Football & Rugby Games

Football & Rugby Games

Rodeo Football

Have great fun testing your riding skills on the Rodeo Football, you don’t have to be football mad to join in! Brilliant entertainment at any kind of event!

Rodeo Rugby Ball

Rodeo Rugby Ball

Are you on the ball with this rocking Rugby Ball Rodeo? Brilliant fun for all rugby fans testing your riding skills and just as much fun for the spectators!

A foosball table in a grassy area, featuring red and blue player figures on a green pitch, with black and silver accents.

Foosball Table Football

Fantastic Foosball fun! The football freestanding table game loved by football fans and all. Great competitive fun for up to 4 layers, the game is on!

Football Speed Radar Shootout Arena

Football Speed Radar Shootout

How fast are your feet?? Great radar football shootout records how fast you can kick a ball into the net. A perfect football mad fans party!

Football Penalty Shootout

Soccer Penalty Shootout

Penalty Ref !!!! The ultimate fanatical footie fan’s dream. Test your goal shooting skills and beat the goalie. Practice makes perfect !!

Human Table Football 2

Human Table Football

Table football at it’s best, putting humans to the test! Hilarious giant foosball game for all that like a footie game of fun, great spectator sport too!